Migration Agents Registration Number (MARN): 1683603
Qualified Education Agent Counsellor Number : Q722
Code of Conduct for registered migration agents


UK Representative of an Overseas Business Visa
UK Representative of an Overseas Business Visa
As the sole representative of an overseas business planning to set up a subsidiary in the UK, as a full-time senior position to operate its UK branch. The applicant will be granted permanent residence after 5 years, and apply for UK citizens after living for another year.
No age limited
No specified operating amount
Spouse can work, and children can enjoy a high-quality British education
Intend to establish the first branch in the UK, and the applicant is recruited and employed outside the UK
Have sufficient skills, experience, and knowledge to do the position
Hold senior positions in the company (but not major shareholders) and have the right to make decisions on behalf of the company
Speaking and listening must meet the requirement of English CEFR level A1
Provide the evidence that you have sufficient funds to support yourself
Processing Time
Around 3 months