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mingpo 21 july 2021-03.jpg
出咗街喇! 出咗街喇!
我司當日於明報升學博覽會設嘅專題講座由於反應熱烈, 主辦單位明報邀請我司進行訪問. 在此再次多謝明報嘅賞識!
一連2日嘅升學博覽會再次超額完成! 當日我司於博覽會中設有專題講座, 令會場座無虛席, 連通道都企滿客人. 由於反應熱烈, 我司應主辦單位明報邀請進行訪問. 在此多謝明報嘅賞識, 大家要密切留意我哋嘅專訪呀!

多謝各位Fans同客人親身鼎力支持. 因為查詢嘅客人太多, 我哋逼於無奈要提早截龍. 我司已即場邀請大家稍後親臨總公司進行詳細查詢. 期待繼續為大家服務! 多謝支持!
Mr. Lau, the Executive Director of L&K Group Holdings Company Limited, was invited to attend the Annual Global Economic and Property Market Analysis seminar. As the only immigration and overseas property expert that day, he provided all those attending with the latest trends and analysis in addition to answering all related participant questions on spot.

~L&K Group Executive Director

- Kelvin Kam (Left)

~L&K Group Executive Director

- Henry Lau (Middle)

~L&K Group Executive Director

- Priscilla Cho(Right)

~L&K Group Executive Director

- Kelvin Kam (Right)

- L&K Group Executive Director - Henry Lau (Left)

- Former President of the Legislative Council

-Mr Jasper Tsang (Right)

-L&K Group Executive Director - Kelvin Kam (Left)

-Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special

 Administrative Region

-Mr John Tsang (Right)

-L&K Group Executive Director - Kelvin Kam (Left)
- Minister of Ontario Prov. Canada (Canada Ontario Prov.

  Citizenship ﹑ Immigration and international trade)

- Mr Michael Chan (Right)

-L&K Group Executive Director - Kelvin Kam (Right)

- Ontario Prov. vice Governor of Canada and

   Chairman of the Treasury Committee Deb

- Lord Matthews(Left)

-L&K Group Executive Director- Henry Lau (Right) and Kelvin Kam (Middle)

-Significant Investment Migration Manager

 (State Government of Victoria) - Miss Linh Pham(Left)

-L&K Group Executive Director - Priscilla Cho (Middle)
-L&K Group Executive Director - Kelvin Kam (Right)

-L&K Group Executive Director- Kelvin Kam (Right)

- Canadian congressman- Mr Joe


- L&K Group Executive Director - Henry Lau (Right)

-The latest stock commentator & Managing director of Asset Management in China Yinsheng Finance 

  (Holding) Limited - Matthew Kwok(Left)

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Awarded "Hong Kong Most Popular Brand" by Asia Brand Development Association, Awarded "Heart to Heart Company" by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Awarded "Hong Kong Most Valuable Company Award" by Mediazone Limited, Awarded by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service as a "Caring Company" and have won the recognition and affirmation of customers, partners and those in the industry.

L&K Group Holdings Limited all rights reserved prohibit copying or establishing without written authorization

(Disclaimer: Some articles comes from the Internet and are for reference only) © 2019 by L&K Group Holdings Limited. 

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